Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 5: Logroño to Nájera

Hola! So good news, the fever is down and I am feeling much better. My feet however still are festering a bit and I was in no mood to lace up the boots. So I decided to follow my doctor's orders and take ONE more day off. Tomorrow, I start walking again!


  1. Fellow finalist Craig here. We did the Camino Frances two years ago and had a really good time. Starting in Pamplona and doing around 1,000km to Finis Terre. Stick in there and good luck.

  2. Hiya!

    Don't give up! This will be the journey of a lifetime! I did the Camino from Burgos summer before last. I know the pain of GIANT blisters all too well (and food poisoning and a cold!). The good news is... you'll always find fellow perigrinos to comiserate with. My tip: try and find foot or talc powder and use it in your SOCKS. This helps keep your feet dry. Also, vaseline your feet at night.

    Buen Camino!
